Manage your planets and generate resources through planetary mines, asteroid extraction, or industrializing planetoids. Create your supply routes and reinvest your profits to climb to the top positions and decide the future of the universe. You can focus on various aspects of the game depending on how you want to generate your income.

You can design your own ships as you wish, assign them to customized combat groups, and test their effectiveness in a simulator. You can attack other players or AI-controlled pirates. Multiple gameplay parameters make ship design an art accessible to everyone, and although each player can design according to their needs, you can share your designs with other players.

Enjoy the game with your friends by creating an alliance. You can share technologies and vision of the universe, launch joint attacks or defend yourselves, send ships, exchange fleets, and even transfer entire planets to one another.
Colonize and expand your empire
There are no limits to your ambition
Establish your productive bases on planets, mine asteroids, manufacture on planetoids, create transport routes, and store resources in orbit. Explore to find the most profitable resource sources, establish your transport lines, and manage your empire however you want.

Living universe
Your decisions matter
Climb the universe’s statistics to gain more power and decision-making ability over the rules that modify the universe. Face events using them to your advantage, understand and leverage the situation between alliances. You can decide whether to intercept a fleet before another player or wait and join at the end.

Tactical combat
It’s not just about quantity
Defend your transports or pirate other players’ routes, intercept fleets in transit, raid planets, and intervene in ongoing battles to claim the spoils. Various ship sizes that you can assign to the functions you desire. For example, you can have escort fighters, destroy enemy transports, or form the bulk of your fleet. Combat is entirely tactical and not just about brute force; you can watch it as many times as you want and share it with other players.

Research in multiple areas
Scientific development can make the difference
Multiple research options are available to improve your colonies, obtain new components for your ships, or simply enhance their capabilities. Ships are automatically updated with researched technologies, or if you prefer, you can modify them into another model.

Enjoy the game with friends
Unique alliance system
Share the universe’s vision with your teammates. You can launch joint attacks or defend against a common enemy, share ship designs, transfer fleets or planets. Work as a team and win the round together.

Money always matters
Manage the income of your colonies to maintain your fleet, or you’ll face serious problems. Avoid running out of fuel or nanofibers, or your fleets will become useless. Every resource matters and has a value that varies depending on how each player uses it.

Unique trading system
Manage what resources you lack and what resources you’ll need to make good trades with the rest of the civilizations.

Adam, Aerial-Rebuild, Afrodita, Aikland, Akrotera, Alex53, Alilo, Alilonano, Álvaro de bazan, Artois, Axel, Azogador, B4mb0o0, Barbadillo, BaX, Benny, BloodRavenPT, bno, capochache, Ch3ma, Chewaca, Ciruelo, Collonut, Comandante sheridan, Cyronix, Dario2023, Dark Nemesis, Datalore, DD, Denathrius, Diablo, Dionus, Don Chopino, Drizzle, Effir, Elkan, Emre, ender, Erasmo, Gamusino, Gaulio, gazette3000, Getto, Grundius, Guille2010, Hannahjjt, HaroldGlitch, Helheim, Horacio, Ignus, igor, Interludio, Itupe, Jesús, joipetit, Jorge, Jose, Jshua, Kalajan, Karima, killroy, lakesis, Larethian, LEX, Lion El, LucapsWing, lvzao, M4_RCO21, MarEd, Marlene, Marte, Max, miguel, mkios, Montacerdas Omayyad, monterato, morduak, Mphisto, mugerec, Najm, OldSire, Orion, Ozomatli, Pedro, PEPOTO, Protheo, QBit, Rafael, Rhod, Roan, root, Sarceron, Saul, Silex, Spartan, Stanki, Templar, Teryka, Thrawn, Tranki, tristan, Ulises, univers, Vicedo, Violetawa, vysextreme, Wakayumi, wariotx y ZR-350